Volunteering Program
No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

[Local group] Volunteers needed
[Types of volunteers required by the association]:
1. Help with cleaning and furkid-sitting at the shelter on weekends.
2. Help the fur kids to bathe and accompany them on weekends.
3. Help prepare and carry out various charity activities.
4. Help design posters, T-shirts, etc.
5. Helping with shelter maintenance, repairing cages, painting, weeding, cleaning and maintaining fans, etc. are more suitable for men's labor.
6. Help the shelter find donors for the monthly sponsorship plan. At present, all the donations of the sponsor parents participating in our sponsorship plan are not enough to meet the monthly expenditure needs, so the funds for the shelter It has been in an "unstable" state for a long time.
7. Responsible for the furry children's adoption activities, and regular follow-up after the adoption.
8. Help with website affairs.
9. Help to organize various activities.
[International group] Volunteers needed
[Types of volunteers required by the association]:
1. Help clean up and take care of the furkids in the shelter every day: such as cleaning, washing the floor, washing dog cages, preparing food and distributing food, washing dishes, washing wounds + bandages, petting and accompanying fur children,
“5 days a week Working days, 2 days off”
At present, the shelters are most in need of help with the daily task in the shelter
2. Help prepare and carry out various charity activities.
3. Helping with shelter maintenance, repairing cages, painting, weeding, cleaning and maintaining fans, etc. are more suitable for men's labor.
4. Help teach in voluntary fundraising courses (such as teaching various language classes/yoga classes/dance classes/baking classes/... etc.)
We provide free accommodation for international group volunteers, feel free to contact me for more info.
[本地组] 需要义工
[协会需要的义工类型] :
1. 周末在庇护所里帮忙打扫卫生和帮忙照顾孩子们。
2. 周末到庇护所来帮忙毛孩子们洗澡和陪伴它们。
3. 帮忙筹备和执行各种义卖活动。
4. 帮忙设计海报,T-shirt等等。
5. 帮忙庇护所维修笼子,粉刷油漆,除草,清洗保养风扇,等等比较适合男士的劳动。
6. 帮忙庇护所寻找每月助养人计划,目前我们的助养人计划参与的助养爸爸妈妈们全部加起来都不够应付每月的支出所需,所以庇护所的经费长期处于“不稳定”状态。
7. 帮忙负责毛孩子的送养活动,和送养之后的定期跟进。
8. 帮忙打理网站事务。
9. 帮忙负责各种活动筹办。
[国际组] 需要义工
[协会需要的义工类型] :
1. 每日在庇护所里帮忙打扫卫生和帮忙照顾孩子们:比如打扫卫生洗地洗狗笼,准备食物分派食物,洗碗,洗伤口+包扎,摸摸和陪陪毛孩子们,一周5日工作日,2日休假日。
2. 帮忙筹备和执行各种义卖活动。
3. 帮忙庇护所维修笼子,粉刷油漆,除草,清洗保养风扇,等等比较适合男士的劳动。
4. 帮忙执教于义务筹款课程( 比如教语文课/瑜伽课/舞蹈课/烘焙课/... ...等等)
Required volunteers are divided into [International Group] and [Local Group],
If you are interested in joining our volunteer program, please click this button to contact us:
Volunteers in [Local Group] will be part of a long-term volunteer program, and you can choose which part and type of volunteer work you are willing to help.
Volunteers in [Local Group] will be part of a long-term volunteer program, and you can choose which part and type of volunteer work you are willing to help.
1.~ If you are willing to be a volunteer for the furry child adoption program, then you will need to help take cute photos and videos of furry children to be adopted, and then edit them into pictures or videos with simple basic information so that they can be uploaded to our website Adoption-related pages so that parents who intend to adopt fur kids can see them on the Internet in advance. If those who intend to adopt will contact the association, then the relevant [adoption volunteers] need to be responsible for contacting those who intend to adopt and explaining the requirements and details of adoption to the adopters.
If the adoption is approved, we will start to arrange for the adopters to go to the shelter to visit the fur child they want to adopt. After all the procedures and assessments, if it is determined that it is a suitable adopter, the adopter will be asked to complete an adoption form. After this step, the furry child can go back to live a new life with the new parents.
But the work has not been completed at this stage, and the volunteers in charge still need to contact the adopter frequently, asking to watch the video and current situation of the furry child in the new home, until we can be sure that the new parent can take good care of the furry child.
In this way, the adoption task is completed. After that, you only need to contact the adopter once on the vaccination date or in a few months to see if it is all right.
2. ~ If you are willing to be a volunteer who takes care of the daily life of fur children in the shelter, then you only need to come to the shelter on weekend mornings, and follow the full-time staff and volunteers from the international group to help complete the daily tasks Cleaning and feeding, what to do and how to do it will be led by full-time staff and an international group of volunteers. The time is from 9:30 in the morning to around 1:00 noon.
This volunteer task does not accept volunteers who only come for one day. If you want to join this part, you need to be able to come at least 2 days a month. You only need to come for a long-term regular meeting. There is no fixed timetable and regulations. If you have something to do If you are going out or if you are busy, you can be absent.
We only ask for volunteers who will come for a long time. If you only come for one day, you will not be able to contribute to help. Instead, the dogs will be excited and barking because of strangers visiting, which will make the morning work unable to be completed as scheduled.
Other parts of the work are analogized according to the above two examples, you can contact me for more details.
English Version
所需义工分成 [ 国际组] 和 [本地组] ,
1.~ 你愿意成为帮忙负责送养毛孩子的义工,那么你将会需要负责帮忙拍摄相关要送养的毛孩子的可爱照片和视频,然后加以编辑成有简单基础资料的照片或影片,以便可以上传到我们的送养相关页面让想要领养的毛孩家长可以先从网络上看到它们,如果有意领养者再跟协会联系,然后相关的[送养义工]就需要负责跟有意领养的人们联系,把领养的要求和细节给领养人了解清楚,如果领养同意,就开始安排领养人前往庇护所探访他们想要领养的毛孩子,经过全部程序和考核,如果确定是一个合适的领养人,那么就会填表格后让毛孩子跟着新的爸爸妈妈回去过全新的生活的。但是到这个步骤工作还没完成,还需要频密跟领养人联系,要求看毛孩子在新家的视频和近况,直到我们可以确定这个新家长是真的可以照顾好这个宝贝为止,才算任务完成。之后只需要在预防针日期或者几个月联系一次看看是否安好。
2. ~ 如果你愿意成为帮忙早上庇护所里面打理毛孩子们的生活日常的义工,那么你只需要在周末的早上前来庇护所,跟随全职的工作人员和国际组的义工们一起帮忙完成每日的清洗和喂食工作,该做什么和如何做都会有全职工作人员和国际组义工会带领你。时间是从早上9:30开始,到中午1点左右结束。这个义工任务,不接受仅来一日的义工,如果你想加入这个部分,需要至少每个月能来2天,只需要长期固定会前来,没有固定时间表和规定,如果你有事情要出门或者要忙,是可以缺席的。我们指示要求要长期会陆续前来的义工,只来一天无法真正投入帮忙反而会因为陌生人拜访而让狗狗们激动吠叫不停造成早上的工作不能如期完成。
这个协会,我是在两年多前很仓促的从前理事会手上接过来的。这段日子以来,我的人力就是我一个人在管理,也就是筹款打点一切的所需物资和经费,然后聘请两个工作人员负责每日在庇护所繁重的清洁和照顾毛孩子们的工作,还有一名当初还没上大学的义工妹妹在帮忙。而截至目前,我已经辞退了Jasmine女士, 剩下一个固定每日清洁和照顾毛孩子们的阿姨,而义工妹妹也已经去北方上大学。所以,我目前的人力,就是我自己每天在庇护所里忙着帮忙阿姨一起完成清洁和照顾的工作,同时要兼顾协会的各种需要比如筹款付租金、薪水、水电费、车油、手机、药物、医药费、各种维修、清洁用品、粮食,等等。还包括了全部的网络上的文章,图片,视频等等,和那些inbox和whatsapp的信箱回复,善心人士们捐款也要做记录等等,以上这些都是我自己一个人做。
目前的情况,我依然负担着这两年多以来的责任:确保庇护所有足够的资源和经费可以安稳的存在和运作,现在还要加上每日风雨无阻的没有周休的 每月30天,天天不休帮忙清洗和照顾孩子们的日常所需。清洗和照顾工作结束后,我还需要处理网上的东西,和尽量筹集所全缺的医药费和运作费用,还有各种所需要的粮食用品药物等等的采买。我真的有点忙活不过来。