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Free for Adoption 免费送养

Updated: Jun 12, 2023


Our shelter is [Disabled & Sick Dog rescue shelter], we only have very limited human power and space. We are open for adoption when the furkids fully recover. I hope they can find a forever home full of love.

我们的送养是完全免费的,我们只是希望领养人们都可以真心爱护它们,好好照顾它们。免费送养的条件就是: 1. 给领养的狗狗安排做结扎手术。2.每一年定期打预防针。领养了狗狗也要定时发狗儿的近况和近照给我看看它们过得幸福快乐。

This adoption program is totally FREE, I hope that every furkid can meet someone who really loves them and is willing to take care of them forever. FREE ADOPTION's terms & conditions: PROMISE: 1. Arrange ligation surgery for the furkids you adopt. 2. Dogs' vaccine for the rest of their lifetime. Send furkids photos and videos to me to ensure they are safe and happy living in the new family with the new owner.


1. 跟我们联系,告诉我们你愿意领养狗儿,给它一个永远的安稳的家。

1~ Contact me, and let me know that you are willing to adopt a furkid, you are willing to give it a permanent home that is full of love.

2. 我们会安排你前往庇护所探访,挑选你喜欢的狗儿。

2~ I will arrange a convenient time for you to visit us in the shelter, to pick which baby is your preferred loved one.

3. 我们会跟你解说关于你即将领养的狗儿结扎手术的事宜,和每一年帮它打预防针的事宜。

3~I will explain the details about the furkid's ligation surgery and the every year vaccination.

4. 你需要填写一份表格,和同意你愿意负责给领养的狗儿做结扎手术和每一年都打预防。

4~ You will need to fill in a form and agree with the promise that you will take responsibility for the ligation surgery and every year's vaccination.

5. 在正式批准领养申请之前,你需要安排时间多次亲自前往庇护所跟你想要领养的毛孩子接触以便联络与培养感情。

5~Before I can approve your application for adoption, you need to arrange your time to visit the furkid you want to adopt many times and get in touch with the furkid.

6. 你需要到庇护所探访你想要领养的毛孩子,我会按照情况为你和毛孩子安排相处的时间,同时让你牵着戴了牵引绳的毛孩子出去散步游玩。

6~I will arrange for you to have more space and time to spend with the furkid, and you will be allowed to bring him/her for a walk with the leash.

7. 经过几次的相处和交流,你再决定是否正式申请领养该毛孩子,我会按照你们的相处情况决定是否把该毛孩子托付给你继续去照顾和爱它一辈子。

7~ After a few times that getting along with the furkid, you can make your final decision to adopt him/her, I will consider and decide whether to approve your adoption application based on the relationship between you and the furkid during this period of time.


8~ You can bring your furkid home when you prepared everything that furkids need at home.

9. 如果你的车子不方便携带狗狗,可以提前跟我们商量,我们会尽量安排义工帮你带到你的家。

9~If your car is inconvenient to bring furkid, please discuss it with me, and I will try to arrange to help you to send the furkid to your house.

10. 如果毛孩子在新家和新主人相处不融洽,或者经过一段时间努力依然无法适应新生活,或者新环境存在危险(比如有人会伤害毛孩子或者存在走失走丢的风险), 在这些种种情况下我保留随时带回已领养的毛孩子的权利。

10~ If I found that Furkid is not able to adapt to the new environment and owner after some time, or I found some risk factors(for example some neighbor may hurt Furkid or risk that get lost), In these cases, I reserve the rights to bring back the furkids at any time.

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